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Welcome To Our Clients Hub

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A Cleaning Business Like No Other

The Client Hub is a management system specially designed to manage a Cleaning Business. The System is adopted by BusyBees for the convenience of its clients and efficiency of its operations. It might seem a normal back end system, but behind this system there are years of work and development to reach the best combination of operational efficiency and clients’ satisfaction all while keeping up with incredible technological advancements around us in a city known for being an early adopter of technology and its dwellers among the most tech savvy around the world.

At BusyBees Dubai, we have adopted during the past decade 3 different operations and management systems; two proprietary and one developed by Jobber . Ultimately the system transforms BusyBees from a passive and reactive operations style to a modern tech oriented company fully proactive and in control of the different parameters around it. The New Operations System gives full visibility to our operations managers on one end, our working team on the ground, and our clients on the other end.

With The New System – Client Hub:

What Can You Do On Our Clients Hub

We are working with several tech companies and the government of Dubai to establish a live tracing geo-tagging system the coming years to ultimately reach the most efficient and secure service there could possibly be for our client, our team and our cleaning and maintenance business.

Our Operations Managers can at any time see where our team members are, contact them, overview and adjust the service details, and finally monitor many details concerning the service and the clients, check feedback and reviews about each job, customers’ accounts and remarks.

Our cleaning team members can retrieve details concerning the client’s preferences, fulfill a checklist of tasks and remarks required by our SOP and requested by the client, sign off the service when finished, communicate with the office…among many smart features.

The Client here is the most important user of the system as he can check all the previous, current, and future services, his accounts, adjust jobs/services required, leave remarks and reviews, communicate directly with management or cleaners, see where the cleaners are, how long they worked on his service, and much more fun and life smoothing features.